• Alice A
    Rating Review by: Alice A, Singapore

    The Best Mardi Himal Trekking

    I and my friend Mary would like to thank Nepal Adventure Team for this wonderful two weeks Mardi Himal Trek thanked tour manager Mr. Jeeban for his helpful and friendly ways, there is no rudeness in him. From terrace farming and snow-capped mountains plus Sudhing Village, we have seen it all. Mr. Jeeban is a talented man due to his work with the tourism sector, once again we thanked Nepal Adventure Team and Mr. Jeeban for this wonderful two weeks Mardi Himal adventure and plan to go back to this company for more. From Alice and Mary from Singapore..dated 20/ April 2019.

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    Rating Review by: Elena R., Chile

    A Himalayan Dream

    The breathtaking landscapes, serene Buddhist monasteries, and encounters with local villagers make it an unforgettable journey. The challenging yet rewarding trails lead to panoramic vistas that will leave you speechless. A must-do for adventure seekers and nature lovers alike.

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    Rating Review by: Urvashi Khanna, India

    Incredible Nepal

    My brief but unforgettable journey through Nepal was a whirlwind of adventure and discovery. From the vibrant streets of Thamel to the tranquil beauty of the Annapurna foothills, each day brought new experiences and breathtaking scenery. Our guide's passion for Nepal's culture and heritage enriched every moment, making this tour a truly immersive experience. I left Nepal with a newfound appreciation for its people, landscapes, and rich history.

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    Rating Review by: Ivana K., Germany

    my great experience with my guide KISIM and JEEBAN of agency NEPAL ADVENTURE TEAM in Upper Mustang and Annapurna Circuit

    Go to Nepal, go as soon as possible to Nepal!
    Times are changing, not forever you'll be able to find so much authenticity, so warm and naturally friendly people, such unspoiled nature...
    Go there and find JEEBAN Thapa Magar and his agency NEPAL ADVENTURE TEAM!! 
    And ask for KISIM!! Perhaps he'll also help you and carry your sleeping bag. And he will go with you, step after step, mostly quiet, sometimes even singing; and he'll care for everything and he will be so very sensitive to feel who you are, what you want, how you want, what and how to eat, where to stay overnight..and he'll find a way even in nowhere, and he'll be with you on your way to the heart of this landscape, to the heart of these people...
    And he and Jeevan were so flexible to change the route as I wanted it and Kissim walked with me even longer up and down and again up and down in hot sun, by strong dusty wind, in morning coolness.. and in Kathmandu he took me on his scooter and had a good plan to show me all the attractions... and he took me to his so dear family.. 
    And Jeevan let me stay and eat and sleep in his home with his family and he didn't take money for it and he even wanted to give me money back as my flight didn't work and he waited for hours at the airport as my flight had a delay..and I felt like a member of these two families - wow, I'll never, never forget You and Your hospitality!!
    Yes, go to NEPAL, to JEEBAN and his NEPAL ADVENTURE TEAM and go with KISIM - you'll find friends!!
    And go the way of ANNAPURNA CIRCUIT, you'll be every day surrounded by ever higher mountains, by kind people living in their ancient houses.. having so little, too less! 
    Go to MUSTANG!! Go to Ghiling and Tsarang, to Lo Manthang, to Yara and Tangge, to Muktinath. It is really very unique experience of nature, shining in all colors and formations, deep canyons, the infinite distances, with scattered white stupas, red golden monasteries... it's a great experience with all these kind people in their way of living, of their traditions, of their religions- and again and again their singing..!!
    The road through Mustang is in working progress, Jeep-driving tourists will come soon and more and more and it will change a lot!! Go now!!
    And say hello to Kisim, to Jeeban, to their families, to all these people, to this amazing country Nepal!!

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    Rating Review by: Sophie, Australia

    Unforgettable Expedition in the Himalayas

    The journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments and jaw-dropping scenery at every turn. Despite the physical challenges, the support and encouragement from our guides kept us motivated throughout. Standing atop Pisang Peak, surrounded by towering mountains and vast valleys, was a surreal experience that left me feeling humbled by the sheer beauty of nature.

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    Rating Review by: David Johnson, Canada

    Exploring Nepal's Beauty

    The stunning vistas of snow-capped peaks, crystal-clear lakes, and lush forests left me in awe at every turn. The warm hospitality of the local people added an extra layer of richness to the experience. I returned home with a heart full of memories and a camera full of breathtaking photographs. Truly a journey worth every step!

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    Rating Review by: Awang, Malaysia

    Local Settlement and Tamang Heritage Trail of Langtang

    I want to thank all the members of the Nepal Adventure Team who made our Tamang Heritage trail trekking a one-of-a-kind experience in Nepal. From the guides to the manager, porters, and the warm people of Helambu, everyone contributed to giving us a good time and experience in Nepal. I highly recommend everyone to go on the Tamang Heritage trail trek and definitely to go with Nepal Adventure Team.

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    Rating Review by: Robert, United States

    It Was More Than Adventurous Peak Climbing Thanks NAT

    I’m an avid mountaineer from Colorado. I had heard that Nepal is a beautiful country and is best for peak climbing. The first thing I did was asked my trip advisor here in Sweden to connect me with a travel agency in Nepal. As a response, I went on to communicate with Nepal Adventure Team’s owner, Jeevan. This guy is very genuine, fun, and informative. He and his team responded to all of my queries and made it very comfortable for the climb to Pisang Peak. Since I was climbing alone, I took a porter with me who was very helpful and nice. I also bonded with the guide very well. The climb was challenging but was made easy by the constant support and guidance of the Nepal Adventure Team. I am very thankful to the team to have left with lusts of fun and adventurous memories. I’ll be coming back to Nepal again and will surely contact the same travel agency.